Hurricane Rita Photos, Sep. 22, 2005 (Archived)

Sep. 23, 2005 10:45 Am EDT Winds 140 mph (CNN)













Sep. 22, 2005 10:45 PM EDT Winds = 140 mph (CNN)


Sep. 22, 2005 (19:15GMT = 3:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time) Winds = 150 mph (CNN) ; now Category 4 Hurricane

Note:**National Hurricane Center RECCO as of 1758GMT (1:58 PM EDT) report winds for Rita to be 100 mph at the altitude of 5774 feet (altitude of the monitoring aircraft) Lat. = 25.1 North, Long. = 89.0 West

(see for the raw data.

see for instructions on how to decode the data)


Sep. 22, 2005 1315GMT = 09:15 AM EDT














8:32 AM EDT (Winds = 170 mph)














7:30AM EST (Winds = 175 mph)

Satellite jetstream and wind map 0600 GMT (02:00 AM EDT) Sep. 22, 2005